Frequently Asked Questions

Why should you trust Business Acceleration Partners of Montana with your company's future? How do we find pockets of money that no one else can see? How do we win big accounts for your startup? Our decades of experience navigating the bureaucracy and red tape in the world of business has positioned us perfectly to answer these questions for you.

Business Acceleration Partners of Montana can help you with several common problems. We can help with organizational issues, management struggles, lack of funding, mergers, acquisitions, and startup struggles.

The Business Acceleration Partners of Montana team is built from industry insiders. Our leadership has worked with everyone from major investment banks, international electronics firms, Microsoft, to venture capital & angel investors in Silicon Valley.  All of this means that our team has lifetime’s worth of industry connections and resources that we can leverage for your benefit. 

We focus on smart business-process development and on leveraging our connections when we work with startups. Sometimes that can mean helping package a startup for raising funding, using industry connections to spark partnerships, or developing a management structure your business can use to succeed. When you're running a startup, you can often feel alone or lost.  We can help provide deep management-and-process insights to give you the confidence to move toward success.

Established businesses often need help with funding, operations management, and optimizing marketing and sales strategies. When we work with established companies, our services usually take the form of new marketing strategies, operational and organizational refocusing, assistance during mergers and acquisitions, or even exits through sale of the business.

Business Acceleration Partners of Montana has formed relationships with businesses that our clients may need during every part of their journey. That means multiple engineering groups, real estate experts, and legal representatives of every kind.
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